Awesome reanimated, a good tribute to a legendary short
Awesome reanimated, a good tribute to a legendary short
Es Caracas, Venezuela?
si! caracas venezuela
Very funny one, I like when I see Half-Life pops out from time to time.
Fun fact: Surprisingly, Valve actually fixed this problem in Half-Life 2 and following games like Left 4 Dead by just pressing [E] to go down gently lol
Oh thank god, that’ll be great once I get to HL2. I’m pretty sure Portal has that feature too now that I think of it
This encapsulated the B-movie tone of the first Resident Evil and magnify it to 100% in such a fun way. i love it.
only thing is the use of mo-cap, basic animations would work but who cares i still love it.
Oh boy this is just awesome, i hope you made the goal. all the luck for you, m8!
This must be frontpaged NOW!
P-Bot it's horny, again
so cereal!
This is the most interesting way to put in practice the Richard Williams 12 principles of animation.
The Hoss is coming
Artist, Gamer™, coffee enjoyer
SFW/NSFW (Use the damn rating filters)
Age 22, Male
Art, of course
Joined on 8/4/19